Sewer, Water & Garbage

Garbage pickup is every Tuesday morning. Recycling pickup is the second Wednesday of every month. Water/sewer/garbage is billed monthly and due on the 10th of every month.


New Service

Complete the below form and return it to the Kensington City Office to establish new sewer/water/garbage service.


Bill Pay

Pay your water bill online using UBMax for a small fee.

Meeting Minutes

Sorry, we couldn't find any minutes.


Sewer & Water Info

Water and sanitary sewer services are provided by the Farwell Kensington Sanitary District (FKSD) to residents of the City of Kensington.

The Farwell-Kensington Sanitary District contracts with PeopleService, Inc. to provide operators that operate and maintain our water and sewer system.

All new accounts will be charged a $ 100.00 new account fee.

Billing for Water, Sewer and Garbage is done monthly around the 17th of every month and is due the 10th of the following month. Accounts not paid by the 10th of every month will be subject to a late fee of 10% of the total past due balance.

Delinquent account notices will be sent anytime an account becomes 60 days past due, if the account reaches 90 days delinquent the customer’s water service will be disconnected until payment in full has been made. Any account that is disconnected for reason of non-payment will be charged a $ 25.00 fee for a disconnect and a $25.00 fee for reconnect. In order to reconnect water service the homeowner must to be present when the water is turned back on.

Payments can be made at the Farwell-Kensington Sanitary District office or drop box located in the Kensington Community Center located at 19 Central Avenue North, Kensington, at the Kensington Bank, or by mail to:

Farwell-Kensington Sanitary District
PO Box 70,
Kensington, MN 56343

You may also pay online

Water is metered and is charged a $35.00 flat rate plus $5.75 per thousand gallons of water used. Sewer is charged based on family size. It is your responsibility to report any changes in household size immediately to Jennifer at 320-965-2500.

For questions regarding utility bills, or problems with your water or sewer services please contact the Farwell Kensington Sanitary District during regular office hours at (320) 965-2500.


Garbage & Recycling Info

Garbage and recycling services for the City of Kensington are provided by Engebretson & Sons Disposal. 

Garbage and recycling fees are included in your water & sewer bill. 

All households are provided with a 68-gallon refuse container, that is charcoal grey in color. Garbage pickup is every Tuesday morning at approximately 7 am. Additional refuse containers are available upon request for an additional fee.

Extra garbage tags can also be purchased from the Farwell Kensington Sanitary District office for a cost of $3.00 per tag. A tag is valid for one 33-gallon can or bag and must be attached to the can or bag in order to be picked up. 

All households are provided with a 68-gallon recycling container that is navy blue with tan lid. No sorting is required; it all goes together in the same container. A list of approved items can be found attached to the top of the lid.

Recycling pickup is the 2nd Wednesday of every month at approximately 7am. Additional recycling containers are available upon request for an additional fee.

For questions regarding garbage and recycling, please contact the Farwell Kensington Sanitary District during regular office hours at (320) 965-2500.


Sanitary District Members

The Farwell/Kensington Sanitary District is a legal entity which was formed to develop wastewater for the cities of Kensington and Farwell. The Farwell/Kensington Sanitary District Board meets on the 1st Thursday of every month.


Jennifer Kangas

Karin A

Karin Anderson


Pryce Score


Larry Husfeldt


Todd Eystad


Randy Nessman


Dennis Dalager


Mike Moen

The Farwell-Kensington Sanitary District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.